طريق ليبيا الحرة

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طريق ليبيا الحرة

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» دورات الإحصاء ودورها فى التخطيط والمتابعة واتخاذ القرارات Engy@itcegy.com
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» تصنيع و بيع احدث معدات المخابز و الافران و الحلواني
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» تصنيع و بيع احدث معدات المخابز و الافران و الحلواني
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3 مشترك

    How to Learn English as a Native English Speaker

    الاشراف العام
    الاشراف العام

    عدد الرسائل : 40
    العمر : 44
    الموقع : http://amanielwerfli.blogspot.com/
    العمل/الترفيه : Teacher
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    نقاط : 57134
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/02/2009

    How to Learn English as a Native English Speaker Empty How to Learn English as a Native English Speaker

    مُساهمة من طرف NuNa 14/2/2009, 9:54 pm

    How to Learn English as a Native English

    if you were born into English, it can be a tough language to master. It has
    widely irregular spelling and pronunciation. English borrows words from all
    sorts of different languages and new terms are emerging constantly.
    Read, read, read! It doesn't matter a whole lot what you read, so choose
    subjects that you like. Not everything in print is perfect, but the vast
    majority of printed works, such as books and magazines, have been thoroughly
    edited. You will pick up structures, tones and ideas from your reading. The
    more you read, the more mistakes and problems will start to "look" or
    "sound" wrong to you. Correctness will start to feel natural.
    Listen to talk radio, podcasts, and audio books. It's good listening practice.
    Audio books, especially, are an opportunity to hear writing. Besides hearing
    words pronounced that aren't normally used in conversation, you'll hear complex
    sentence structures inflected.
    Read out loud, with intonation. If you have kids, read to them, and ham it up
    with Dr. Seuss. Even if your dog or cat is the only one listening, reading
    passages out loud is one way to interpret their structures, and it will make
    you more conscious of their details.
    Study the creation of works using proper English. What makes the artful imagery
    in a novel so beautiful? What makes a good speech so persuasive?
    Build your vocabulary. Reading
    is the best way to do that since it exposes you to a far wider range of words
    than conversation or spoken media, such as radio or television. Collect words
    you don't know. In addition, browse in the dictionary, play word games, and
    subscribe to a word of the day.
    Play with the language. Start a pun war. Dust off your Scrabble game. Invent
    your own word. Try your hand at a garden path sentence or enter the
    Bulwer-Lytton contest for bad prose or one of its imitators. Making fun of the
    language is a great way to explore it.
    Brush up on the rules. Get hold of a copy of William Strunk's The Elements of
    Style, a thin volume covering the essentials of good writing. If you prefer a
    physical book, an updated version by Stunk and E.B. White is still in print.
    Other style manuals discuss common, frequently-confused rules, too.
    Practice writing. Write for a journal, blog, or wiki. Wikis, especially, need
    writers and frequently come with a whole community of editors who will help
    you. Whatever and wherever you write, practice daily, if possible. In email and
    text messages, use complete sentences. That's writing, too.
    Consider your audience. Just as you wear different clothing for different
    weather, you should write or speak differently depending upon your audience.
    Having an audience in mind will help to focus your communication, too.
    Consider your purpose. Is this communication factual or fanciful? Are you
    telling a story, arguing a point, or explaining a procedure?
    Proofread your writing. Even a thorough grasp of English does not ensure
    perfect typing or ideal sentence structures the first time around. Proofreading
    will also tell you what sorts of things you regularly do wrong, so that you can
    improve. Reading
    out loud is a very good way to catch things you might have missed.
    Have somebody else proofread your writing. Something that sounds right to you
    may not make sense to somebody else.
    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Language takes extraordinary amounts of
    practice to master, and mistakes are part of the learning process.
    Try learning another language. It will make you more conscious of the
    structures and grammar in your own. Many of the Latin-based and Germanic
    languages have words and structures similar to those in English, and exploring
    these similarities and differences will strengthen both languages.
    Avoid trying too hard to perfect the accent and criticizing other people for
    their not-so-perfect ones.

    How to learn English well

    am an English major. English has been,for some time, difficult for me to learn.
    When all my efforts went to the dogs, you can imagine how upset I was!After
    years of being a language learner, I come to know how to adjust myself to the
    correct way of English learning. First of all,learning one thing,whatever it
    may be,needs the push of achievements. We all become frustrated when we get the
    bad result.To make things worse,those irritating feelings may handicap our
    potential ability.So,first of all,just tryto find a field we can prove our
    abili ty in English learning. You may think that you are not a qualified
    language learner,that you don't possess the in-born ability to learn
    English.Throw all these stuff into the nearst trash can!Remember,always tell
    yourself that you can make great achievements and that you are no slower than
    others. Second,be patient.Rome was not built in a day.We all need time to make
    progress.Reading may consume a lot of your time,especailly in the situation
    that you read some profound material.When you find that your precious time has
    drained away while seemingly little progress has been made,you become
    disappointed and want to forget all those stuff. You may even tell yourself
    that there is no way for you to make any improvement in reading.You are
    wrong.Learning English requires perseverance.You plant yourself there and read
    English for several hours. You may be content with this single day.But can you
    form this habbit? Oh,no,really boring.Someone may shake his head.To become a
    really good English learner,howerver,you have to do this! Third,find a correct
    way of learning things.Always check what your weak points lie in.Don't rush
    through all the exercises.Reviewing what we have learned is very,very
    important.Don't tell others how many exercises you have finished in order to
    show how you have tried to learn better,but ask yourself whether you can give
    correct answers or not. Fourth,apply what we have learned whenever
    possible.Often forget the words you have just memorised?Use them!Apply them in
    oral English or writing.That will help.That is my way of memorising
    words.Whenever you find good sentences,copy them down and apply them in your
    composition. Five,do more reciting.You have still enough room in your head,do
    you? A few words to say.I am happy to share my experience in English learning
    with you.I am still exploring a more scientific way of achieve more.I composed
    series of articles in the fields of listening ,phonetics, oral
    English,reading,writing,translation and interpreting in order to make some
    pondering upon some possible learning methods.I am not an expert,and I am still

    الادارة العليا

    عدد الرسائل : 598
    العمر : 43
    الموقع : https://trikly.yoo7.com
    العمل/الترفيه : افلام
    المزاج : ممتاز
    السٌّمعَة : 94
    نقاط : 59124
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/02/2009

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    مُساهمة من طرف headway80 14/2/2009, 10:13 pm

    شكرا عالنصيحة الغالية

    عدد الرسائل : 2
    العمر : 37
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    نقاط : 56860
    تاريخ التسجيل : 06/03/2009

    How to Learn English as a Native English Speaker Empty رد: How to Learn English as a Native English Speaker

    مُساهمة من طرف noursaeed 6/3/2009, 6:31 am

    بارك الله فيك يا اختى على موضوعك
    فعلا بيشع الواحد ويحمسه انه يدخل مجال اللغة الانجليزية
    مشكورة ومزيدا من مواضيع اللغة الانجليزية لانو انا بحبها

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 29/9/2024, 3:32 am